Viziwyg Network

Hours of productive time can be wasted scheduling and dispatching jobs. You don’t need to spend the morning in the office juggling jobs and workers when integrating TrackIt into your business. Intuitively drag and drop jobs based on parameters you choose. Assign work out in the field based on location and availability. Group jobs in a logical manner in moments and get back to work. Hours more productive time means more jobs completed, and higher revenue.


You can easily create alerts and notifications to notify operations staff when employees arrive on site, are running late, depart from the job site or the job or site visit is taking longer than expected - issues that can lead to missed appointments and customer dissatisfaction. Alerts and notifications can be sent to you by email, SMS, or push notification.

Other features of TrackIt’s Job Management solution include:
  • Real-time Scheduling – Managers can drag and drop jobs to assign to staff or reschedule an existing job for a different time or day. Staff can see their schedule and those of their colleagues.
  • Job Status – Have complete visibility of all your jobs at a glance with status updated as they progress – from travelling to the job site, in progress, on hold or completed.
  • Maps and Directions – Ensure your employees get to jobs fast and are on time, every time.
  • Real-time Job Sheets – A job sheet can store every piece of information about a job. Attach forms, H&S checklists and work documents
  • Accountability – Provide transparency and accountability for you staff and customers by capturing staff and customer signatures.
  • Electronic Timecards – Employees can record their time electronically, easily tracking when they start/end work and take breaks to fully track their work hours. Reduce errors, disputes and time spent collecting and recording paper timecards. Using our mobile apps employees can submit electronic timecards. Eliminate time spent creating, verifying and processing timesheets./li>
  • Two-way communication – Send and receive information to and from employees in the field.
  • Photos and Audio – Employees can use their mobile devices to take pictures and record voice notes to document their work.
  • Recurring Jobs – Do the same job every Thursday? No problem. You can create recurring jobs pre-loaded with standard charges, notes, and files; all assigned to the right person.

Job Scheduling & Dispatch

Knowing where your mobile workforce is and what it’s doing will allow you to make better informed decisions about how to assign jobs, making your mobile workforce more productive while ensuring their safety.

Flexible Job Views

TrackIt’s Job Management solution can be configured to show different job views for a range of different job types. This allows you to capture all the information you need for all sorts of different jobs and store it in one place. Having a wide range of job views allows our solution to be used in a variety of different industries.

Flexible Job Views

TrackIt’s Job Management solution can be configured to show different job views for a range of different job types. This allows you to capture all the information you need for all sorts of different jobs and store it in one place. Having a wide range of job views allows our solution to be used in a variety of different industries.

Calendar Views

Our Calendar views allow you to see all your Jobs, Tasks, Dockets, Timecards, Logbooks, etc all in a daily or weekly view. This gives you a quick and easy way to see what is happening in your business and to plan your resources accordingly. Ideal for reviewing any employees working week and confirming their timecards and work completed. You also gain a clear understanding of planned versus actual.


Capture timesheet information through the mobile app and feed directly into your payroll system. Eliminate paper and at the same time improve the quality of data entered.


Capture timesheet information through the mobile app and feed directly into your payroll system. Eliminate paper and at the same time improve the quality of data entered.

Time on Site

We offer a suite of reports which summarise the number of visits, total time spent on each customer site and will help you to maximise your return from resources. Streamline your monthly billing process by having accurate and detailed reports which clearly identify your chargeable hours and milage. These reports together with the other TrackIt tools enable you to apply resources appropriately, maximise revenue, reduce costs, and Increase understanding of how time is spent.


The Timeline is a unique view of all vehicle/device/driver activity for a given day allowing you to understand very quickly what time the drivers’/ employees’ day started and finished. View the total drive time or working hours and quickly identify speeding or idling as well as being able to identify the type of patterns that are normal for your type of business and quickly spot outliers.


The Timeline is a unique view of all vehicle/device/driver activity for a given day allowing you to understand very quickly what time the drivers’/ employees’ day started and finished. View the total drive time or working hours and quickly identify speeding or idling as well as being able to identify the type of patterns that are normal for your type of business and quickly spot outliers.


West Auckland Cherry Pickers

The savings we made in the first week were about $2,500 - it certainly covered the initial cost by a mile! Cost overruns are being reduced and overall it’s just a great system - we highly recommend it!

Customised Deliveries

After looking at all available options in the market, we are pleased to have formed a partnership with TrackIt for our transport and logistics IT solution. Their features, service, pricing and willingness to work with us stands them out from the crowd - simply excellent!

Ward Demolition

I always suspected that our vehicles did a fair amount of off-road travel, whether driving around on demolition sites or in the yard, but to be honest, I was a little surprised how quickly this all added up. TrackIt paid for itself in fleet administration savings alone.
About TrackIt

The TrackIt platform delivers a powerful suite of tools for managing your mobile workforce and fleet.
Get the most out of your resources by improving efficiency, reducing operating costs and increasing profits.

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